Thursday, November 29, 2007

Day 3, better now

Ahh, the migraine....what a better way to make sure you go to bed early. Signs of a brain tumor? EETS NOT A TUMAAH!!

Now, where was I?

I tasted the single life for such a brief time. It was so sweet. She was a small Filipina(sp?) with a lust for danger sex. Quite the adventure. Also, quite the heartbreak. I eventually tracked down my "other" high school sweetheart. I eventually stole her right from her husband's grasp. Such a fool he was to even let me in the door that first day. She was bed-ridden while recovering from neck surgery, and he just showed me in, left me alone with her to go play computer games. One thing led to another over the next couple months, then it was all over for him except the fist-clenched screams as I drove away in his old car with his soon to be ex wife. But I guess the last laugh is on us, since he re-married her best friend.......

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Day one: What was I thinking?

Well, here we go. I have lived for 40 years now, and what do I have to show for it? So very little (posession-wise), yet so much.
The purpose of this blog will be two-fold. To give a glimpse into the life of a man, and a taste of what life feels like in this modern Seattle (and American) world. Maybe it is also a diary of sorts, just to see if I can remember what has happened so far. I have forgotten so much, and I feel like I am sliding deeper and deeper into that gray void of lost time. But, more on that later.
Let me start with a bit of background. I grew up "poor" in the Eastern side of Washington. The only true friends I have to this day are the ones I made in grade school. It is not that I can't be friendly, it's just that I have been burned so many times by "friends" over the last 30 years that I can truly only trust 4 people on this whole planet.
I grew up not have much, but never wanting for anything. What was there to have back then anyway? An Atari with Pong? A Huffy Dirt bike? Number 2 issue of a Marvel comic called "Thing 2 in 1"? I had sun soaked summers and cold, snowy winters. I kissed girls, fought with boys and played Risk board games for 24 hours straight (NEVER start with North America!!). I learned what true joy and true pain was by the time I was 12. My parents divorced when I was young, and I lived with my mother. I experienced true fear during that process. My mother was not an intelligent woman, but a smart one. When my 18th year came, I joined the Army to escape what was to be a certain life of nothing happening.
Boy, did something happen then! I traveled past the edge of my town for the first time to exotic lands like Kentucky and Texas. To be fair, Germany was a blast. I just didn't know how much MORE fun it could have been until much later in life. I encountered true love, true ignorance and true racisim. All of them shocking, all of them shaping me into someone I would have never imagined I would be. I got married to a high school sweetheart right before deploying to (West) Germany. Ahh, I can almost taste the remenants of that hazy elixr of love. ......We survived three Army bases, an attempted murder and a child, yet we still failed eventually. Is that not the fate of teenagers in "love"? To this day, some of the decisions I made back then are monuments to stupidity, yet I am still alive and surviving. I am waiting to make even more outlandish mistakes, but that is the process of life, eh?
Well, that is all for tonight. But, what I can tell you is this" almost every sentence so far can be a story in itself. For those who are interested, I may even tell them.....